How do we Forecast better to avoid future overstocks and ease cashflow issues?
A Talk by Ciara Stockeland and Mark Hook
About this Talk
In this session, our event host Chloe Thomas is joined by two experts to answer the question:
How do we Forecast Better to Avoid Future Overstocks and Ease Cashflow Issues?
Our experts for this session are:
- Ciara Stockeland from Ciara Stockeland
- Mark Hook from Inventory Planner
Watch to learn how we forecast better to avoid future overstocks and ease cashflow issues.
Useful Links:
Find out how Ciara can help you use your inventory to create more profit and keep more cash please visit her at www.ciarastock-land.com
Get Inventory Planner’s new Checklist “11 Smart Ways for Online Merchants to reduce their inventory overhang” from the website Inventory-Planner.com